Concealed Handgun Licensing
ESS offers Concealed Handgun Licensing courses along with a Firearm Familiarization Course. Our instructors can go on location to provide personalized training services for your group. Depending on group size, our courses are usually 4-5 hours in length and an additional hour of hands on experience at a shooting range. To view Topics covered during your CHL Training, click here.
The ESS Difference
We can tailor our course environment to your needs and offer flexible schedules for working professionals. Click here for more information on our Executive CHL, CHL at Home, and CHL for the Working Professional.
Proud partners of Texas Law Shield's Firearms Program.
Texas Law Shield assists CHL owners legally when an incidence occurs. Please input Code usmc03 on application. |
CHL PricingThe course fee includes range fees and B-27 targets for shooting proficiency.
At Home Our Facility Individual $450.00 With FAM $505.00 Individual $375.00 With FAM $430.00 Couple $225.00 With FAM $280 .00 Couple $190.00 With FAM $245.00 Three People $150.00 With FAM $205.00 Three $125.00 With FAM $180.00 Four or More $100.00 With FAM $155.00 Four+ $100.00 With FAM $155.00
For information on how to begin the application process for your CHL, click below: